Is it okay to stop eating rice. I quit eating rice and roti for a month to lose weight and this is what happened

Is it okay to stop eating rice. I quit eating rice and roti for a month to lose weight and this is what happened

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When You Eat Rice Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body.Top reasons why you should not avoid eating rice | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express


In my peanut-sized, super-experimental world of fitness and weight loss, I am both—the scientist and the rat that is subjected to experiments. I quit wheat and rice for an entire month For someone, who loves her morning paranthas and a bowl of dal-rice for lunch, this was quite a huge sacrifice to make.

Thus, I did what an ill-informed, self-proclaimed fitness-lover would do: I attacked the two main sources of carbohydrates in my diet—wheat and rice. The idea was to give a bit of a shock to по ссылке body by is it okay to stop eating rice these staples as well as cutting down is it okay to stop eating rice carbohydrates and calories to lose weight. But did it work? I would be lying if I said that the experiment failed. Because I did lose weight. However, what I had to lose completely shattered my confidence as a scientist and cut short my career as one too.

From my energy levels to concentration levels—I lost it all along with the weight. However, I did feel a certain lightness while I was at it, probably because I removed the most heavy source wheat of gluten a protein that the body might find exceptionally hard to digest from my diet.

She further explains that when you eat excess of carb-rich foods, the body derives its energy from them instead of using up is it okay to stop eating rice fat reserves. Now, this excess energy can get stored as fat, thus adding to your previously-existing fat reserves. Now, the one thing I gathered from her explanation is that there is a high chance that I lost weight due to muscle breakdown and not fat breakdown. FYI, losing muscle is linked with a slower metabolism, decreased weight-lossand fatigue, which pretty much explains why my chain-wain-sab-ujda post this diet.

Additionally, several studies have found that our brain needs a healthy dose of carbohydrates to function properly. So, I am attributing the is it okay to stop eating rice of concentration to these findings.

What should I have done instead? Thus, the best way is to lose weight slowly and in a healthy manner by making a few lifestyle changes such as working out, getting adequate sleep, not leading a sedentary lifestyle, and eating a balanced diet. Also, listen:. Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. So, sign in RN to get your daily dose of wellness.

Home Healthy Eating Nutrition I quit eating rice and roti for a month to lose weight and this is what happened. About the Author Sonakshi Kohli Is it okay to stop eating rice kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then.

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