Is asheville nc safe to visit –

Is asheville nc safe to visit –

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They keep building apartments and our roads are overwhelmed. It used to be one of the best places to live. Also not helpful? The River Arts District has become a mecca for artists, and ashevill popular приведенная ссылка and restaurants have opened there in renovated industrial buildings. Asheville used to be anti corporate.


Is asheville nc safe to visit


It is definitely not the small town ,low crime it once was!! Homelessness most choose it , drug camps and syringes now litter the city. As well as the lack of a needle exchange program or public restroom facilities. As far as your comment on the local PD …. Educate yourself before sounding like a stupid keyboard crusader. The real locals stay away from Asheville. Not remotely wealthy but definitely liberal.

I am relatively new here and invested in the community that I have come to love despite its many flaws. There is no perfect town or city. Every one of them have many of the same problems with traffic and homelessness.

Just type crime Asheville, NC and then click images in Google and you will see how the other half lives…it is frightening. Art galleries, fauna flora, yes, nice things, but the criminals and monsters that also live and prey on citizens in that community make it a place I would never consider…this is a tiny city that is plagued with drug addiction and criminals…a dangerous place to live, regardless of your politics or money.

I agree with this with the exception of slamming the churches for not doing enough. You say they do most of the shelter and feeding. Maybe other groups should step up until one segment of the population does most of any type of community improvement. We are a country born of dissidents. You are absolutely right. I have lived here all my life and I am disgusted in what Asheville has become. Crime and perversion every where. The crime and perversion is spilling over into the nearby towns if I could afford to move, I definitely would.

Born and raised in Asheville. Loved comi g to town when I was a kid and played music in many venues here, both operational and many closed down now for years.

I never liked the liberal bent of the city. At one time ,Asheville was second only to San Francisco in the amount of gay and lesbian population per capita. I was propositioned when I was 13 yrs. So yeah,I still love my hometown. Most women are propositioned by creepy 50 year olds from the time they are 13…over and over and over again.

Consider yourself lucky if it happened to you once. Yes I grew up here. Yes my family been here for generations. Snowflake man. Women are molested and raped from the time that they are little girls. Go live someplace else if you are so worried about gays! Asheville is just overcrowded. I lived here for 10 years now and absolutely no complaints.

Beautiful city and surroundings. The atmosphere is friendly and accepting of all. The tourists do flock here from all over to enjoy the beauty and culture, and they are welcomed with open arms. The positive energy and love here has made this place the best for me. I grew up in WNC. You people are losers Asheville is Amazing. If you decide to leave please let me know we will buy your house….

I completely agree. So many people are moving to the area in hoards. I plan to move within the next few months and I once loved Asheville. Every corner is being built up with more apartments and condos, and watching the wildlife struggle as more and more land is being build upon, is very sad. My 8 mile drive to my office sometimes takes 30 to 40 minutes to get there even without the constant traffic accidents.

That being said.. Spring in these mountains is a glorious sight and smell ; so beautiful!! Welcome to Trashville…. I always dreamed of living in Asheville. For starters the trash and debris is beyond embarrassing. If you are a working class person, there is nothing here for you. The streets and roadways are pathetic. If you want to have company…forget it. And the traffic up and down the side streets is dangerous. Even with both of us getting our social security.

There are lots of other beautiful places in North Carolina. A word to the wise, skip Asheville. Moved from Dallas to this area and quickly ruled out Asheville. We chose Hendersonville. More beautiful than Asheville with a charming downtown and some very good restaurants.

The little towns bordering Asheville are where to live. Crime has skyrocketed in Asheville. Large numbers of police have left. A deputy here told us that its not safe after dark to walk around Asheville. Housing is virtually unaffordable even for families with a solid middle class income. I just saw a one bedroom one bath condo in downtown Asheville listed for 1. Another thing. Get ready to pay reparations, too.

Unfortunately, this article is blatantly ignoring the most pressing current issues concerning Asheville: crime and decay. Downtown is overrun by vagrants, human feces, needles, open drug use, bums sleeping on sidewalks, trash, putrid odors and a general lack of safety are prevalent, as gangs, aggressive bums and criminals run unfettered. This, the fewer officers can by official policy, only respond to sure emergency calls.

Fights, drunkenness, open drug use, disturbances, minor thefts, etc. This one s not a safe or decent setting for anyone. I was raised in Asheville and later was a Trooper there, and most recently, was first sergeant of the National Guard unit there.

The demise of this once-wonderful town is sad and shocking. Avoid Asheville it at all possible. I appreciate you being honest about your experience. And at-risk communities. As a guy on a spiritual path, making money was never my goal in life. But for the rich, who can isolate themselves behind fences, locked in gated-communities, areas, etc. They are shielded. I live in a city of close to 4 million people, but there were only 37 murders last year, and I can walk in any community at any time of the day—or night—and still feel safe.

An out-going gay man who talks to everybody, helps everybody, he will be victimized. There are certainly beautiful things about Asheville, but we cannot deny that there are some serious crime issues that many other cities this size do not have. I just visited Asheville for the first time and am moving in a few months sorry gatekeepers.

I disagree about the trash. In the city a piece of paper blew by so I picked it up. Trash cans are hard to come by, I carried it for blocks.

I have been to Asheville many times. Fun The blue mountain, water falls and rivers are very cool to explore. But discovering that people are very pretentious. The town is too expensive and too white. I moved from Miami to Weaverville with 3 daughters in Actually I still do! It seems folks that are so unhappy with their situation feel better when they can convince their co-workers and neighbors to go down the ugly path with them.

And then there are thre rest of us that are very happy to be here and love everything about it. Some of us even volunteer to help make things better. People are sanctimonious and unoriginal.

It was more diverse too but still pretty white. Which is wild because the Southeast is one of the most diverse regions in the US. There is no way parking is on par with NYC. In my experience you can always find a spot within a square block within 10 minutes. Yes it is much worse than most places, but not NYC. Everything here is too expensive from housing to eating out. Overcrowding and homelessness is real. This place has the highest cost of living and highest residency occupation rate in the state with horrible out of date infrastructure with regard to roadways, water lines, etc.

People here mostly work in hospitality, tourism or the hospital. Grow up. Save yourself. I did one year ago and I regret it.

Just visiting Asheville and surprised to see parks full of homeless and addicts. Look who running the city, and that will tell you why Asheville, which was a fantastic town 35 years ago, is now turning into a lawless mess. Very sad. When you fail to uphold laws, society suffers every time!

I love this city. They are way better than small town bored officers. If you want real crime solved short of an active burglary or a murder maybe it is typically more effective to not call the police and do your own work.

Asheville is not an unsafe place to live. The issues we have here are directly related to gentrification brought on by the hotel conglomerates that run our city without any oversight. The cost of living is the only real downside of living here, all the other issues are universal national issues and my opinion is that the pros outweigh the cons greatly.

Why should APD bother to go out into the community? It has been made clear by the community, the mayor and the city council that they do not support the police.

These men and women risk their lives everyday and all they have received in return is a city full of ungrateful residents who would like nothing more than to defund the department and disband the force. That was until we heard about the dismal police department and democrats pandering to the criminals.

We are retiring in Texas where the republican strong hold will leave us a safe environment and gun laws resident protected as desired. What part of Texas? I also have thought about retiring to Asheville, until I saw all the dismal facts about what is going on now.

For such a small city, the transient homeless population is ridiculous. If you are disabled or elderly, this town is hellish. This town cares about one thing only,profiting off others misery. We left Asheville a year ago mostly because of the crime, the traffic and the overall decline in quality of life. Why would they? Asheville is not desirable anymore and that is also for a lot of reasons and a lot of those reasons have to do with greed in Corporatism.

Asheville has become a beer town with an art problem. Its amenities are overrated. Asheville is infested with panhandlers pretending to be homeless and the police are not allowed to run them off. Certainly there were a lot of outside agitators from far right organizations coming in but the local police were out of control and perhaps they were provoked into becoming out of control.

Asheville has gone through quite a few police chiefs over the years so it would seem that perhaps there are members of the department that are unmanageable. It used to be one of the best places to live. The quality of life descended so rapidly that we had to leave for safety of a family and a peace of mind. In addition to that healthcare in western North Carolina is atrocious and the city allowed one of the most criminal companies in the world hospital corporation of America to take over mission hospital.

The medical mafia is thriving in western North Carolina. When moving to a new area, one of the first things people want to know about is the crime in the area. As a general rule, the Asheville area is a very safe place to live. Asheville is the largest city in Western North Carolina, and the population of Asheville is still only 91, as of So Asheville still has a small town feel with fewer of the crime problems that can plague bigger cities.

Much of the crime in the Asheville area is petty, non-violent, or drug related. When there is violent crime here, it is typically shocking and becomes the major news story for several days. One of the biggest draws in Asheville is its downtown district. Downtown Asheville is a safe place to visit, and residents and tourists alike frequent the many restaurants, pubs, and shops that downtown has to offer. The areas surrounding downtown, such as the South Slope, West Asheville , and the River Arts District have seen a boom in both residential and commercial construction and renovation over the last few years.

West Asheville has long been known for its hip vibe, with residents enjoying the walkable Haywood Road commercial district. As West Asheville has grown in popularity, many older or dilapidated homes have been restored or torn down to make room for new homes.

The River Arts District has become a mecca for artists, and several popular breweries and restaurants have opened there in renovated industrial buildings. A lot of prospective Asheville real estate buyers, especially those from larger cities, tell us they are specifically interested in living in a gated community near Asheville.

However, for second home owners, a gated community can provide a sense of security when the owners are not here for an extended period of time. Here are a few gated communities that are worth considering for year-round or seasonal residency.


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